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Kindle Leaf

Amazon Kindle

Reimagining Book Discovery

How can we help customers find their next favorite book?

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  • Make the experience of choosing a book similar to visiting a  physical book store, with ability to freely move between shelves

  • Let the customers "organize" the entire book store the way they want, every time they walk in

  • Offer new ways of discovery - let the customers determine how they want to browse

What is Kindle Leaf?

Kindle Leaf is a new book browsing experience that helps customers choose the method discovering their next favorite book, similar to an experience of browsing a physical book, where customers freely move from shelf to shelf and book to book


My Role:

Collaborated with the VP of Kindle Design to identify and define the problem

Created the experience and refined it via multiple iterations and reviews

​Prototyped a detailed walk-through that was demoed in to senior stakeholders during annual resource planning process

New category types

The key idea of Kindle Leaf was to allow customers to browse books via categories that matched their actual needs. The first step would be to allow the customers to choose the criteria they want to use to discover books - by their current mood, or by the amount of time they want to spend reading


Read and explore from the same page

The second key aspect of the app was to make browsing similar to a physical store visit. One a customer has chosen a "shelf" to explore, they can easily start reading any book by scrolling vertically, or continue to explore other books on the shelf b scrolling horizontally

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Browse your way

Kindle Leaf allows customers to choose how to categorize books -  by mood, by book length, by popularity, etc - so that the way they browse book matches their current need and mental modal

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Explore multiple books

Kindle Leaf is optimized for browsing, allowing customer s and quickly switch between reading and browsing modes without navigating to a different page: once a category is selected, scroll horizontally to view all books, or vertically to start reading

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Author Info, Reviews, and Social Network

While browsing, readers can easily see all relevant information they might need to choose a book.  This includes information about the author, reviews, and comments about the book from their social network


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Ideas were presented to senior stakeholders during the annual company-wide planning to determine the level of investment into Kindle features.

Navigation method developed for Kindle Leaf was adopted for other projects

© 2024 Alla Taborisskaya

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